By Published On: 1. 4. 2015Categories:

Dear Sir/Madam, I am 32 years old and I have been taking the oral contraceptive Diane 35 for 15 years now as I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries caused by genetically reduced oestrogen secretion. My condition is good and my endocrinologist is very satisfied with the performance of this medicine as cysts have disappeared completely and as it maintains a good condition of my reproductive system. I have heard about fennel oil benefits and I would like to know whether it can be used in parallel with synthetic hormones and what the best daily dose would be? Kind regards

Fennel oil contains phytoestrogens, substances of herbal origin which are similar to oestrogen in structure. Phytoestrogens bind to oestrogen receptors and simulate its action. Fennel oil is used as follows: 3 drops are poured into a cup of warm tea.
Since you have achieved good results with synthetic hormones, I think that there is no need that you use fennel oil and phytoestrogens whose action is much weaker that the action of synthetic oestrogen’s action.