Laurel leaf oil

Laurel leaf oil is a highly ranked essential oil used in aromatherapy for its unique structure. It contains elements of almost all chemical groups present in essential oils. For that reason, this oil has a wide range of therapeutic characteristics.

  • Supports the immune system in states of stress and weakness
  • Stimulates renewal of all physiological functions
  • Proved to reduce stimulative cough and stimulates discharge of mucus
  • Recommended in cases of painful and varicose veins
  • Helpful in cases of paradentosis, gingivitis, aphthas and toothache
  • Protects from viral infections and influenza
  • Useful in treatment of migraine and headaches
  • Stimulates growth and regeneration of hair

Essential oil of Laurel leaf for health and beauty

Laurel leaf oil is a highly ranked essential oil used in aromatherapy for its unique structure. It contains elements of almost all chemical groups present in essential oils. For that reason, this oil has a wide range of therapeutic characteristics. It is traditionally used for treating digestive problems, but for its antibacterial and antiviral activity it is also used in modern aromatherapy, as an antiseptic, expectorant, mucolytic and anti-rheumatic. Laurel leaf essential oil may be safely used to support lymphatic system, especially in conditions of stress and weak immunity. It stimulates circulation of blood and lymph.  When rubbed over the lymph glands, only a few drops of Laurel leaf oil bring the sense of instantaneous relief. In treatment of headaches and migraine this oil is also very successful due to its analgesic effect. This oil is nicely flavoured and it is an excellent supplement to treatments of arthritis, muscular pain, painful and varicose veins, not only for its therapeutic effects but also for its nice, sharp and herbal fragrance.

In cosmetics, laurel leaf oil may be added to standard creams and lotions for oily skin as well as to shampoos for oily hair and head skin. Inhalation of small quantities of laurel leaf oil is enough to reduce respiratory problems and cough, as well as to stimulate discharge of mucus.

Laurel leaf for everyday small victories, but for great ones as well

Laurus nobolis – comes from the Latin word Laudare, which means to praise. Its name appears through many civilizations and cultures from the Egyptian and Greek civilizations to the Roman and Christian ones. Laurel leaf was related to Apollo, god of the Sun and beauty. The symbolism lies in Apollo’s power of healing. This oil has a warm, Mediterranean, spicy, camphor-like smell. It creates the feeling of freshness. It stimulates self-confidence, self-consciousness and it is encouraging, thanks to its specific stimulative fragrance.  Laurel leaf, as a symbol of victory and praise, is specially recommended to introvert and insecure persons. Laurel leaf oil is one of the most powerful oils in aromatherapy. In addition to that, it is also used as an insect repellent aid as well as for cosmetic products and various kinds of shampoo.