Frankincense oil

Frankincense oil is essential oil obtained by water distillation of aromatic resin of the tree Boswellia serrata. Frankincense is one of the oldest fragrances and it is known for its relaxing and woody aroma.

  • Soothes pain, swelling and rash in inflamed joints
  • Regenerates and lifts the skin
  • Reduces visible wrinkles and acne scars
  • It has calming effect, reduces anxiety, nervous tension, insomnia
  • It has positive effect on airways

Divine oil

Frankincense is the resin of Bosvellia tree which grows in North Africa, the Middle East and some parts of Asia. Frankincense oil is made by water distillation of dry resin. Aromatic frankincense resin has been well known for over 5000 years. It was initially used for smoking in religious ceremonies of ancient people.  Even Hippocrates recommended chewing of frankincense with honey to fight cough and lung diseases. Arab physicians used the frankincense to stop bleeding from wounds and to heal wounds.  Frankincense is found in the tomb of Tutankhamen and is also mentioned in the story about the birth of Jesus Christ, as a gift from one of the wise men who came to see the born saviour. One of the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra’s beauty secrets was exactly the frankincense oil thanks to which her face looked eternally young and immortal. Since it is not possible to raise because it grows only on its own habitat, frankincense is very valuable nowadays as well. That explains the fact that frankincense was once worth as much as gold.

Product description

Composition: 100% pure and natural frankincense oil.
Lat: Boswellia serrata.
Lat: Neto: 10ml
Release: Steam distillation
Packaging: glass bottle with a dropper. Cardboard packaging.