I suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD, Diabetes II, high blood pressure (stent implanted). Which of your products can you recommend me? Kind regards
From our product portfolio, black cumin oil would be most beneficial for your condition. In case of respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, it acts as a bronchodilator and it has anti-inflammatory action. It has a beneficial effect on the elevated blood sugar – it reduces it by several units by stimulating insulin secretion in pancreas. It acts on blood vessels by regulating blood vessel wall tonus – it expands blood vessels and slightly reduces blood pressure. You should take one teaspoon of black cumin oil 3 times a day, 15 minutes before a meal.
I have been using oregano oil for 10 days but when I bought it I read that you also had wild sage oil (I have been diagnosed with work-related stress which stops my digestion resulting in the increased anxiety, strong palpitation and eventually elevated blood pressure. My digestion has significantly improved in these 10 days and I don’t have acid reflux anymore. I would like to know whether I can take oregano and sage oil simultaneously since sage oil would be ideal for my diagnosis of anxiety and stress, but I would like to continue with oregano oil intake for three weeks as prescribed. Thank you.
Dear Sir, If you find wild oregano oil beneficial for your condition and you feel that wild sage oil might help as well, you may use it simultaneously. You only need to make a break of one hour at least between taking them.
Dear Sir/Madam, I suffer from oral candida. It has been isolated from the pharynx and I am three months pregnant now. Symptoms are unbearable. I am from Skopje and here I can buy oil and tea. Please tell me if I can use these products during pregnancy? Thank you very much.
Dear Madam, Wild oregano oil is not recommended for use by pregnant women as it may slow down iron absorption and increase blood circulation in the area of pelvis. You must reduce the intake of sugar, candies, white flour and white flour products and yeast. In that way you will slow down candida reproduction.
Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to know how apricot kernel oil is consumed and how many drops of oil a day can be taken? Thank you in advance!
Dear Sir/Madam, When apricot kernel oil is used for prevention of malignancy, it is sufficient to take 10-12 drops during a day. In case of already diagnosed illness, the number of kilograms is divided by 2,5 and the obtained number designates the number of drops which one is allowed to take during a day. Oil is always consumed in the morning, before a meal and all at once.
Dear Sir/Madam, I have suffered from rosacea for years. I used to treat it with antibiotics, different herbal balms and the improvements were minor or not visible at all. Please tell me how I should treat it with oregano oil. Should I apply oregano oil locally on it or should I drink it? How long should I use oil locally?
Dear Madam, Wild oregano oil is a very strong antiseptic and acts as a natural antibiotic and anti-fungal agent. There are recommendations for its use in the treatment of rosacea. Oil is taken during the period of 10 days in one month 3 x 2 drops/day diluted in a teaspoon of olive or other cooking oil or in a bit of yogurt, tomato juice. It should always be taken after meals. Smaller areas of skin can be treated locally if there are no open wounds. Since oregano oil is very hot and aggressive it must be well diluted at least
Dear Sir/Madam, I am 32 years old and I have been taking the oral contraceptive Diane 35 for 15 years now as I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries caused by genetically reduced oestrogen secretion. My condition is good and my endocrinologist is very satisfied with the performance of this medicine as cysts have disappeared completely and as it maintains a good condition of my reproductive system. I have heard about fennel oil benefits and I would like to know whether it can be used in parallel with synthetic hormones and what the best daily dose would be? Kind regards
Fennel oil contains phytoestrogens, substances of herbal origin which are similar to oestrogen in structure. Phytoestrogens bind to oestrogen receptors and simulate its action. Fennel oil is used as follows: 3 drops are poured into a cup of warm tea. Since you have achieved good results with synthetic hormones, I think that there is no need that you use fennel oil and phytoestrogens whose action is much weaker that the action of synthetic oestrogen’s action.
Two weeks ago I was diagnosed with lymph nodes cancer. It is located under my right armpit and at that place I have a hard lump both inside and outside and the skin is red. I felt something there a year ago when I had a child and doctors thought that the channel for milk was clogged, but the biopsy results confirmed it was cancer. A doctor told me I would undergo chemotherapy for the period of 6 months and hoped that everything would end well for me. I would appreciate if you could give me more information on your product “Apricot Kernel Oil”. How should I take it and could I take it during chemotherapy? Can I apply it to the skin along with taking it orally? Thank you in advance!
Dear Madam, We suggest that you take black cumin oil instead of apricot kernel oil. Lots of studies were conducted related to the effect of this oil on tumours related to lymphoid tissues, which proved that thymoquinone, the active ingredient of oil, slowed down further propagation of cancer cells and prevented tumour growth. You can also use it during the chemotherapy. Also, this oil is recommended during and after chemotherapy as it relieves its side effects, restores bone marrow and stimulates the production of red blood cells and white blood cells that make up the immune system. Our customers are
Dear Sir/Madam, how can we use wild oregano oil for treating the infection caused by itching mites (Sarcoptes scabiei) in 15-month old baby? In what proportion should it be used in adults? I have mixed a handful of aloe gel with 1 drop of oregano oil and found it to be very strong. I had a feeling my skin burned but it was over soon. What is the safest proportion to be used in adults, and/or in babies? Thank you very much for your answer!!!
Dear Sir, Local administration is not recommended for the child of that age. For use by adults, oregano oil is diluted with some other oil (olive, almond, apricot kernel oil, sunflower oil...) in proportion of 5:1 in favour of the other oil. It is best that you apply a small quantity of the mixture to your upper arm and if it is strong and you feel that your skin burns, you may dilute it a bit more.
Can I use wild oregano oil and fennel oil simultaneously? Thank you in advance
Dear Sir/Madam, You may use wild oregano oil and fennel oil simultaneously, but you should make a break of 30-60 minutes between consumption.
Dear Sir/Madam, I intend to start to use clove oil, but there is no information on the method of administration and dosing in the instructions for use supplied with the packaging (it is indicated: 1-2 drops a day). I would appreciate more information on dosing, dilution and purposes of use? Thank you in advance.
Dear Sir/Madam, Clove oil must be diluted in other edible oil (in a teaspoon of olive, sunflower or other oil) 1-2 drops / day after a meal. You can try to apply one drop of oil on a sugar cube and swallow it. Clove oil is used to speed up metabolism, prevent premature ejaculation and as a natural aphrodisiac. It is a strong antioxidant - increases the overall resistance of the organism. It acts on Streptococcus mutans, the bacteria causing caries. It's good for treating insomnia and mood improvement.
Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to know more about the action of black cumin oil on Helicobacter pylori, method of use and duration of the treatment? Thank you in advance.
Dear Sir/Madam, Thymoquinone, an active ingredient in black cumin oil eradicates H. pylori and oil has a beneficial effect on gastric mucosa in general, soothes inflammation and the symptoms of gastritis. Oil is taken 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon, 3 months.
How is oregano oil used in rosacea treatment and for how long?
Dear Sir/Madam, Wild oregano oil is used according to the instructions for 10 days for one month, 3x2 drops per day after meal.
How is parsley seed oil used for eliminating flatulence and encouraging diuresis?
Dear Sir/Madam, Parsley seed oil is used as follows: 1 – 2 drops/three times a day diluted in a teaspoon of olive, sunflower or other edible oil or in a cup of tea. After every month drinking you must take a break of 15-20 days.
I use black cumin oil for reducing cholesterol level in blood. How long and how should I take this preparation? Zorica Bozinovska – Macedonia
Dear Madam, The effect of black cumin oil is individual and depends on cholesterol value, general health condition, lifestyle, eating habits... Our experience, in general, is that first positive results in reducing cholesterol values are seen after one month of oil use, at the earliest.
I would appreciate your advice on how to use wild sage oil most adequately in treating anxiety issue. Also, do you recommend the use of this oil in treating candidiasis? Thank you in advance, Vesna
Dear Madam, It is best to use three drops of wild sage oil diluted in a cup of tea. During a day, as appropriate, you may apply a drop or two of wild sage oil onto a tissue and smell it. The dry inhalation method is very efficient and easy to apply. For infections caused by candida, you may use oregano oil 10 days. During that period it is essential that you comply with the required diet – you should eliminate sugar, yeast, white flour, milk and dairy products except for yogurt, sour and hot food. We recommend that you
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