Dear Sir/Madam, my daughter aged 5,5 years is prone to urinary infections. Urine culture tests results vary depending on the bacteria type (E. coli was isolated once, Citrobacter freundii one month after that, and the last test showed the presence of Proteus vulgaris). We have consulted another paediatrician and she has doubts in laboratory test results since the child feels no discomfort. I consume oregano oil in certain periods (flu, etc.) and since I feel its benefits I would like my daughter to use it also. I kindly ask for your advice regarding dosing of oregano oil. Thank you in advance.

Dear Sir, Oregano oil acts on some bacteria causing urinary tract infections such as E. coli, Proteus, Enterobacter spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus fecalis, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas ... Oregano oil can be used by children over 3 years of age. Since your daughter feels no discomfort and the laboratory test results show the presence of bacteria in the urinary tract, it is best that oil is used during the period of two weeks: 1 drop/3 times a day. As you know, oregano oil is very hot, so it is best to mix it with yogurt or dilute in a teaspoon of other

1. 4. 2015|Komentari su isključeni na Dear Sir/Madam, my daughter aged 5,5 years is prone to urinary infections. Urine culture tests results vary depending on the bacteria type (E. coli was isolated once, Citrobacter freundii one month after that, and the last test showed the presence of Proteus vulgaris). We have consulted another paediatrician and she has doubts in laboratory test results since the child feels no discomfort. I consume oregano oil in certain periods (flu, etc.) and since I feel its benefits I would like my daughter to use it also. I kindly ask for your advice regarding dosing of oregano oil. Thank you in advance.

Dear Sir/Madam, my sister and I have the hair loss problem. She has undergone medical examinations and there’s nothing wrong there, but she still has the problem with hair loss. Could you advise us on which of your products we might use to solve this problem. We have tried various products, but nothing has helped us. Thank you in advance, the Jovanović sisters

Dear Ms. Jovanović, There are many causes of hair loss - psychogenic causes, medications such as oral contraceptives, retinoid, various weight losing diets, systemic and metabolic diseases, hormonal disorders, fungal skin diseases, anaemia ... Our advice is to do the necessary analysis to determine the exact cause of hair loss. We can recommend rosemary oil from our product portfolio. You should mix one tablespoon of olive oil with 10 drops of rosemary oil. The best thing is to massage the oil mixture with circular movements into the scalp and sleep over. Rosemary oil improves blood circulation of the scalp and

1. 4. 2015|Komentari su isključeni na Dear Sir/Madam, my sister and I have the hair loss problem. She has undergone medical examinations and there’s nothing wrong there, but she still has the problem with hair loss. Could you advise us on which of your products we might use to solve this problem. We have tried various products, but nothing has helped us. Thank you in advance, the Jovanović sisters

Dear Sir/Madam, can fennel oil be used by girls (25 years of age) on regular basis, or only during the PMS?

Dear Madam, Fennel oil contains phytoestrogens, substances found in certain plants which are structurally similar to oestrogen. Since it is a natural herbal substance, the effect is slower than in case of orally ingested oestrogen so it needs to be taken for a longer period of time. It may be used also during non-PMS periods.

1. 4. 2015|Komentari su isključeni na Dear Sir/Madam, can fennel oil be used by girls (25 years of age) on regular basis, or only during the PMS?

Dear Sir/Madam, can I use oregano oil for boosting up my immune system in combating HPV infection? Thank you in advance for your answer.

Dear Sir/Madam, Oregano oil has a high antioxidant potential and it may be used for boosting up one's immune system. It also has a strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungicidal effect. Also, black cumin oil may be used for all conditions of immunodeficiency and for improving the general health condition and the immune system.

1. 4. 2015|Komentari su isključeni na Dear Sir/Madam, can I use oregano oil for boosting up my immune system in combating HPV infection? Thank you in advance for your answer.

Can you tell me how fennel oil is used?

Dear Sir/Madam, Fennel oil should be diluted in a cup of warm tea or in a teaspoon of oil or sunflower oil. Three drops a day will be sufficient. You should take it in the morning. When it comes to cellulite, problems with swelling are eliminated by rubbing oil which is diluted with several drops of carrier oil into the skin.

1. 4. 2015|Komentari su isključeni na Can you tell me how fennel oil is used?

Dear Sir/Madam, I am interested in the method of use of wild sage oil? Is it safe to drink it and for how long can it be consumed?

Dear Sir/Madam, Wild sage oil may be taken orally in a small quantity although it has a better effect on the organism if it is used during aroma therapy or even more simply – by dry inhalation. Apply one or two drops of oil on a paper tissue and inhale it. The essential sage oil contains easy evaporating small molecules which quickly enter blood from lungs (during the inhalation the gas exchange occurs in the lungs). Also, when we smell something, certain parts of the brain are stimulated through the sense of smell and olfaction nerves. We advise that you

1. 4. 2015|Komentari su isključeni na Dear Sir/Madam, I am interested in the method of use of wild sage oil? Is it safe to drink it and for how long can it be consumed?

Dear Sir/Madam, I have been suffering from psoriasis for 16 years now and I have managed to keep my skin under control more or less successfully, but I have a big problem with my scalp. I have read somewhere that oregano oil could help. What is your recommendation? Thank you in advance. Alisa

Dear Madam, Due to psoriasis problems, we would rather recommend that you take black cumin oil. Wild oregano has an antiseptic action on microorganisms and it will not be a right solution for psoriasis which is actually the immunological inflammatory skin process which is not infective although it may be provoked by bacterial focal points in a body. In some countries, black cumin oil is recommended as an auxiliary treatment in treating skin changes and for extending the remission phase. Oil is taken orally and in parallel may be applied to skin changes.

1. 4. 2015|Komentari su isključeni na Dear Sir/Madam, I have been suffering from psoriasis for 16 years now and I have managed to keep my skin under control more or less successfully, but I have a big problem with my scalp. I have read somewhere that oregano oil could help. What is your recommendation? Thank you in advance. Alisa

Dear Sir/Madam, can you recommend any of your products for treating periodontitis? Thank you in advance! Maša

Dear Madam, The main cause of periodontal disease is the bacterial plaque - a sticky transparent substance constantly depositing around the teeth, while the bacteria found in plaque produce toxins, damage the gums and bone and allow for the emergence of space between gums and teeth (called “pockets”). I would recommend taking Herba Sept oral solution or clove oil. Herba Sept is suitable for rinsing the oral cavity, while clove oil can be rubbed into the gums and teeth affected by inflammation. Both the oil and oral solution have the antibacterial effect and kill the bacteria causing dental caries, and/or

1. 4. 2015|Komentari su isključeni na Dear Sir/Madam, can you recommend any of your products for treating periodontitis? Thank you in advance! Maša

Dear Sir/Madam, I have heard about oregano oil and its power in strengthening the immune system, as well as its effectiveness in the treatment of various diseases caused by fungi and viruses. It was pointed out that oregano oil, among other things, kills candida very effectively. I would like to know what diseases (gynaecological) can be “destroyed” by oregano oil ? Thank you in advance for your response! Jasna

Dear Jasna, Oregano oil has natural antibiotic properties and acts on around 30 microorganisms. When it comes to pathogens characteristic for vaginal infections, it acts on Escherichia, Enterobacter spp, Streptococcus spp, Candida ... We receive most of the feedback regarding Candida and Escherichia and our female customers are very satisfied, even in cases of chronic infection.

1. 4. 2015|Komentari su isključeni na Dear Sir/Madam, I have heard about oregano oil and its power in strengthening the immune system, as well as its effectiveness in the treatment of various diseases caused by fungi and viruses. It was pointed out that oregano oil, among other things, kills candida very effectively. I would like to know what diseases (gynaecological) can be “destroyed” by oregano oil ? Thank you in advance for your response! Jasna

Please tell me in which quantity and how an eight-year old child suffering from severe pollen allergies can consume black cumin oil? Thank you in advance, Marijana

Dear Madam, In case of allergies and asthma, black cumin oil is used as follows: 3 x 1 teaspoon of oil. Children should consume it between meals 2-3x 1/2 teaspon of oil. Oil may be consumed in pure state since its flavour is not unpleasant and it does not have to be diluted. Our experience with children’s’ allergies is very positive. We would appreciate if you could come to us soon with your good experience in using our product!! Kind regards

1. 4. 2015|Komentari su isključeni na Please tell me in which quantity and how an eight-year old child suffering from severe pollen allergies can consume black cumin oil? Thank you in advance, Marijana

I have purchased oregano oil because I am prone to bacteria and fungi. You should provide more information on its application with cardiac patients. With such a good antiseptic many people would feel more relieved. Respectfully, Mirjana

Dear Madam, Thank you for your opinion and proposal. As regards cardiac patients, it has been indicated in the instructions for use that oregano oil may cause temporary palpitations and mild elevation of blood pressure since it is very hot. If a user reacts to hot food in that way in general, such reaction can be expected when consuming oregano oil. The oil itself does not contain any component which may lead to such reaction, but it is very hot and that is why we had to make a note about it.

1. 4. 2015|Komentari su isključeni na I have purchased oregano oil because I am prone to bacteria and fungi. You should provide more information on its application with cardiac patients. With such a good antiseptic many people would feel more relieved. Respectfully, Mirjana

Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to know whether wild sage oil can be used for combating fatigue? Respectfully, Jelena

Dear Jelena, Wild sage oil may be used for combating chronic fatigue, mental fatigue and general condition of fatigue and exhaustion (“spring fatigue”). Evaporating components of this essential oil stimulate human brain via olfactory nerves and the parts of central nervous system in charge of regulating moods. It is beneficial for treating mild forms of depression and anxiety, insomnia. It acts as a tonic for revitalising nervous system thus eliminating exhaustion and fatigue.

1. 4. 2015|Komentari su isključeni na Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to know whether wild sage oil can be used for combating fatigue? Respectfully, Jelena

I would like to ask you for your advice regarding the dilemma I have – Can I use several products i.e., oils at the same time? During autumn and winter I consume wild oregano oil, but I would also like to try fennel and clove oil due to their beneficial properties. I am not sure whether I should use only one type of oil for some time and then start using another one or can I combine them? Thank you! Natasa

Dear Nataša, The types of oil you have mentioned do not interact with each other, but you should make a break of several hours between taking each of them in order to prevent potential stomach irritations and nausea.

1. 4. 2015|Komentari su isključeni na I would like to ask you for your advice regarding the dilemma I have – Can I use several products i.e., oils at the same time? During autumn and winter I consume wild oregano oil, but I would also like to try fennel and clove oil due to their beneficial properties. I am not sure whether I should use only one type of oil for some time and then start using another one or can I combine them? Thank you! Natasa

Dear Sir/Madam, I have been diagnosed with Enterococcus in cervix. As a breastfeeding mom I would like to know if I am allowed to use oregano oil? Thank you in advance for your answer! Dejana

Dear Dejana, Unfortunately, oregano oil is not recommended either to pregnant women or to nursing mothers.

1. 4. 2015|Komentari su isključeni na Dear Sir/Madam, I have been diagnosed with Enterococcus in cervix. As a breastfeeding mom I would like to know if I am allowed to use oregano oil? Thank you in advance for your answer! Dejana

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