By Published On: 31. 3. 2015Categories:

Dear Sir/Madam, I need the information on how often I can use oregano oil? I have had Candida Albicans for more than 10 years and no treatment so far except for a very strict diet have had any positive effects. I feel much better since I started to use oregano oil (10 days ago). Kind regards! Danijela

Dear Madam,

Wild oregano is used according to the instructions 3×2 drops after meal 10 days for one month. Drinking cycles can be repeated, but after 2-3 cycles, we advise you to take a longer pause to bring the body into balance.

Dear Madam,
Thank you very much for your answer. Should I take probiotics with this treatment regimen?

Dear Danijela,
The use of probiotics in parallel with oregano oil is not necessary. The number of intestinal flora bacteria will certainly be reduced but not significantly to cause a change of the balance and result in consequences.
That is why the break is needed to ensure that the number of intestinal flora bacteria is restored.
Instead of probiotics, you may take yogurt enriched with probiotic bacterial cultures, but neither probiotics will do you harm if you use them.

Kind regards