By Published On: 1. 4. 2015Categories:

Dear Sir/Madam, my sister and I have the hair loss problem. She has undergone medical examinations and there’s nothing wrong there, but she still has the problem with hair loss. Could you advise us on which of your products we might use to solve this problem. We have tried various products, but nothing has helped us. Thank you in advance, the Jovanović sisters

Dear Ms. Jovanović,
There are many causes of hair loss – psychogenic causes, medications such as oral contraceptives, retinoid, various weight losing diets, systemic and metabolic diseases, hormonal disorders, fungal skin diseases, anaemia … Our advice is to do the necessary analysis to determine the exact cause of hair loss. We can recommend rosemary oil from our product portfolio. You should mix one tablespoon of olive oil with 10 drops of rosemary oil. The best thing is to massage the oil mixture with circular movements into the scalp and sleep over. Rosemary oil improves blood circulation of the scalp and helps the regeneration of hair roots. It would be also useful to take vitamin B complex.