By Published On: 1. 4. 2015Categories:

Two weeks ago I was diagnosed with lymph nodes cancer. It is located under my right armpit and at that place I have a hard lump both inside and outside and the skin is red. I felt something there a year ago when I had a child and doctors thought that the channel for milk was clogged, but the biopsy results confirmed it was cancer. A doctor told me I would undergo chemotherapy for the period of 6 months and hoped that everything would end well for me. I would appreciate if you could give me more information on your product “Apricot Kernel Oil”. How should I take it and could I take it during chemotherapy? Can I apply it to the skin along with taking it orally? Thank you in advance!

Dear Madam,
We suggest that you take black cumin oil instead of apricot kernel oil. Lots of studies were conducted related to the effect of this oil on tumours related to lymphoid tissues, which proved that thymoquinone, the active ingredient of oil, slowed down further propagation of cancer cells and prevented tumour growth. You can also use it during the chemotherapy.
Also, this oil is recommended during and after chemotherapy as it relieves its side effects, restores bone marrow and stimulates the production of red blood cells and white blood cells that make up the immune system. Our customers are very satisfied with this oil primarily as it improves general health condition and restores the blood counts to normal, which was a prerequisite for them to continue with chemotherapy.