By Published On: 1. 4. 2015Categories:

Dear Sir/Madam, I have had the acne problem for 7-8 years now (I am 23 years old), mostly in the area of jaw and neck. The skin on my face is oily and I have dandruff and oily scalp. Physicians suspected I had polycystic ovaries, since I suffered from hormonal misbalance for some time, but not to a great extent. My period is regular now, but acne just won’t go although many people tell me that the acne, when they appear, reflect hormonal misbalance. What is your recommendation? Should I take oregano oil or some oder oil? Should I apply it on the skin or should I drink it? Thank you in advance! Best regards from Montenegro!

Dear Madam,
Our advice is to start drinking oregano oil. Oregano oil is a very strong antiseptic acting on the main causes of acne formation – Propionibacterium acnes. Our customers’ previous experience is quite good in solving similar problems in this way.
When acne and inflamed face skin soothe a bit, you can try to apply locally Probotanic oils for acne which is a mixture of unrefined jojoba oil and tea tree oil.
Best regards!