By Published On: 1. 4. 2015Categories:

Dear Sir/Madam, I use most of your oils. I have a big problem with my spine – discus hernia and I would like to know which of your products I should use since my arm and leg joints are very stiff, particularly in the morning, and my spine is stiff and I can hardly get out of my bed. When I get up I need several hours to be able to move my ankles and function properly. I use oregano oil, apricot kernel oil, black cumin oil, nettle oil, AD vitamins, and I also use Glucosamine 750, but my joints are still stiff. Which of your products could you recommend? Thank you in advance.

Dear Madam,
Nutmeg and black pepper oils are the products which we can recommend from our product portfolio. Nutmeg oil contains numerous substances with anti-inflammatory, analgesic action and stimulating circulation. It is often used in pharmaceutical products for rheumatism treatment, especially in lubricants. Black pepper oil also has powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, eases pain in muscles, bones and joints.
Both types of oil produce thermal effect on the place of application.
Kind regards!