By Published On: 1. 4. 2015Categories:

Hello, for some time I have a problem with frequent ear infections and sore throat during cold weather, and I also have a problem with gastric acid (diagnosis: Gerb, Dyspepsia). I was diagnosed with a mild sinusitis at the last ORL examination. I currently take a three-week treatment with the medicine Sabax 15mg and Gastroperidon. I have had the throat swab test done which is OK and the blood test for Helicobacter pylori, which is also negative. I wonder if I could use oregano oil for treating my stomach problems and in what way? I am also interested in inhalation due to sinus infections – I read somewhere that 1 drop of oil can be diluted in 0.5 litre of water. I would like to try it and enhance my immune system. Thank you in advance for your response.

Dear Madam,
Based on the long-term experience of our customers, wild oregano oil can also be used if there are gastric problems such as gastritis, GERB. Because of his hot taste, we advice Origanol Strong capsules, 3×1 after meal 20 days.
When it comes to the inhalation, we recommend two inhalation methods – add 1-2 drops of oregano oil in 500 ml of boiling water, inhale it for a few minutes with your eyes closed or try “dry” inhalation – sprinkle 1 drop of oregano oil on a paper tissue and inhale it for a couple of minutes.
To boost up your immune system, it is sufficient to take 3 x 1 capsule a day during the period of 10 days. These cycles can be repeated from time to time (e.g., once a month).
Best regards!